Update on Operation Sweet Tooth October 9th 2016

Event Date

Oct 09, 2016



All involved, the PAX!


Update on Operation Sweet Tooth


I know there have been a bunch of  Pax asking for instructions on the logistics of #OST.  Here is the update with future ones to follow.

To begin with, Operation Sweet Tooth is officially a non-profit 501C3 corporation.

2nd and more importantly, we are gearing up for the OST Toy drive to be administered through our respective holiday parties.  We have ordered 2000 prayer cards to be given with the toys and gifts, at your respective AO’s.  What we ask is that toys and gifts are to be delivered at least 1 week later allowing me to mail or overnight the appropriate number of prayer cards to correspond with the amount of gifts. If you want to take a look at what the cards look like, follow OpSweetTooth on Twitter.  The toys and gifts are important.  The message however, is imperative!

3rd I know many of our Pax have asked me what the parameters are with the gifts, toys etc.  I encourage each AO to find an institution that can benefit from our F3 (and beyond) generosity.  Locally here in Charlotte/Huntersville, my personal plans are to contribute to Levine’s Children Hospital and Children’s Hope Alliance, the parent company of Barium Springs Orphanage in Troutman.  I know some Pax asked about Jeff Gordon’s Children Hospital.  Although I prefer not to donate their due to their negligence and lack of care and sympathy during and after the passing of my daughter, I understand the children who are sick did not play a hand in Christina’s order and should not be punished because of it.  I leave that entirely up to you but you will have our blessing and support regardless.

4th Many of you ask what is actually acceptable.  For children’s hospitals, they are specifically clear on what will be accepted due to hygiene etc.  For an example, please click the link below.


For a children’s home or orphanage such as Barium Springs, here is a list that this particular institution may need.  Please click link below:


I ask each AO to take the responsibility to find an institution that you want to help to change lives and have a positive impact on the lives of children in distress and need.

Lastly, I ask that each OST Q please contact me personally so that I can answer any questions but also to have the necessary contact information to send the prayer cards and whatever other support I can provide.  Other than twitter at F3_Olive, OpSweetTooth, we can be reached at OperationSweetTooth@yahoo.com or OperationSweetTooth@gmail.com.  The website is a work in progress as well as Instagram and Facebook.  All will be operational once the official website is.

I want to close with saying that this was just a thought…to have our local Isotope brothers support children as a way to honor my daughter, my everything, my Sweet Tooth and 2.0.  Never did I think this would have the sustainability and traction that OST has garnered.  Selfless acts of support from brothers local and afar have given me hope that we can make a difference, even if that difference does not bring my baby back.  What will start out as a toy drive this upcoming December, will morph itself to bigger and better things to come in 2017.  Events we are looking at are potentially a 5/8K race, golf tournament (thanks for trying Big Papi), continued toy drives and community outreach days.

The overwhelming support of F3 has been tremendous and I can honestly say, without you all, and FiA, my wife and I would not have the strength to want to pull this off, let alone get out of the fart sack.  We still struggle to this day.  But near and far, many of you have reached out and have had a positive impact on us…and we can only hope to repay the favor to hundreds, if not thousands of children who are not nearly as blessed as us…not to mention their parents , who I am sure have their own struggles.

Your generosity, your support and commitment, is not only helping us heal, but potentially helping hundreds of children and their parents do so as well!


Further announcements will be made available.  As for now…#SERVE

Humbly Yours,


-Olive, Jager and Happy Meal