0510 is arbitrary anyway, so let’s start at 0500 at The Wilderness.

A warm-ish morning at The Wilderness went down something like:


WARM-O-RAMA:   (as PAX continued to trickle in)

  • 50 Burpees or 5 minutes AMRAP, whichever came first
  • Press Jacks x 15 IC
  • IST x 10 IC
  • Slow windmill x 10 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC


At the usual AO start time, it was safe to mosey to the bottom of "Travolta Hill".  It was roughly .25 miles away.  Included on the way:  High Knees, Karaoke, butt kickers, and exaggerated long striders.  We did:

  • Bear crawl up the hill a long but arbitrary distance
  • Quadraphilia rest of the way up.  Plank while waiting.
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC.  Mosey to the bottom of the hill.
  • Crab walk up the hill a long, but slightly shorter, still arbitrary, distance
  • Quadraphilia rest of the way up.  Plank while waiting.
  • Low Flutters x 25 IC. 

Mosey back towards the AO.  Stopped about half way for:

  • Slow deep squats x 15 IC
  • Shoulder Touch Mericans x 15 IC

Back at the AO, in the playground area we split into 3 groups for:

  • Knee Ups x 15 OYO
  • Squats x 15 OYO
  • Swing crunches x 15 OYO
  • Repeato all but with 10 reps of each

Mosey to the parking lot for Mary.


  • ~40 yard dash x 4 with no rest in between
  • Elbow Plank x 1 minute, then right arm / left arm up each for 15 count
  • Slow Mason Twists x 15 IC
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Elbow Plank x 1 minute. 

Recover, recover.  We covered 2.1 miles according to Strava.


  1. Jorel will be running the Charlotte Marathon on behalf of a friend and a good cause.  We lifted up prayers for her family.
  2. Speaking of Jorel, mumblechatter on point today.  When YHC estimated the distance to be ~40 yards, he joked it was more like 62 yards.  Jorel seemed to enjoy the workout and the politeness shown by YHC.
  3. Was comtemplating a 3rd trip of Travolta Hill, but Sweet C threatened physical harm so we audibled, lol.  Great effort today on admittedly a run heavy workout and great catching up over tacos yesterday.
  4. Tantrum asked before, and after, if the extra 10 minutes was worthwhile and if we got our money's worth.  YHC explained it's free so all good, but Toxic joked "I want a refund".  Lol, Toxic is funny.
  5. Ultraman was the only PAX to stay close to Travolta on the sprints.  Well except for the 3rd iteration where I gave Sweet C, Jorel, and Toxic a head start.  Why not?  *shrug*  During that one, Tantrum tried to box out Travolta but somehow I think Travolta still won.  My dude is fast.
  6. Die Hard was the only PAX to show up before 0500.  YHC was worried it might be a lonely Burpee warm-up, but 2 others showed up at exactly 0500 then others trickled in.  "Special Early Starts" are always a trap from YHC…as the PAX learned.  But the PAX also have a short memory so pretty sure this can be pulled off again…
  7. Nice work from Shooter and Black Bart.  Apologies I either didn't catch much mumble chatter or you were drowned out by Jorel and Toxic.  Will try to get back to Wilderness more often, great to see you guys.

Enjoyed it gents.  Thanks for the extra time today in the gloom.