`1 + 1 = 11

Event Date

Feb 01, 2021


Stumpjumper showed up thinking he'd get relief from WMD's painlab Monday Merkins, but he should have relaized it's Merkin Monday everywhere!  Can't use a count of 1 for the first day of the month, so we simply doubled 1 (kind of) to get a rep count. 

Hit a quick set of Wolverines to get warm with a Mosey around the Green.  3 sets of alternating step-ups, dips and of course 11 Merkins + 25 LBCs.  Wham-o was thrilled because we spattered 11 Merkins for the entire morning – runners need arm strength too? 

Mosey to bottom of Summit parking lot for Suicides!  11 SSH between each sprint to 4 "tree" lines – repeat sets with 11 Squats, 11 Merkins and one more round of 11 SSH's. 

Skip to the next parking lot north and we honored an old Ironpax exercise – 10 Burpees, 5 bunny hops, 10 Mary Katherines, 5 bunny hopes, and 10 WWI situps with a bear crawl back to the start for 3 rounds.  StumpJumper modified on the Merkins!!  A final run up Depot Street mixed with a few more rounds of Merkins on the way back to the Green. Riptide would have been proud.