2 regulars show to the Meatlocker to take on Debby…..
- stretch until Crabby shows……..but no Crabby
- 10 cotton pickers IC
- 10 Imperial Storm Troopers IC
- 10 Toy Soldiers IC
- 10 windmills
- mosey to corner of parking lot closest to launch – 10 merkins
- mosey to next corner – 10 LBCs
- Mosey to next corner grab blocks – 10 curls
- mosey to last corner 10 squats.
- mosey around parking lot for 1 min, stop at next corner and do 10 reps of the exercise
- mosey around parking lot for 2 min, stop at next corner and do 20 reps of the exercise
- mosey around parking lot for 3 min, stop at the next corner and do 30 of the exercise
- mosey around parking lot for 2 mins, stop at next corner and do 20 of the exercise
- mosey around the parking lot for 1 min, stop at the next corner and do 10 of the exercise
then, mosey around to each corner and do 10 reps of each exercise, blocks up.
- 10 pretzel crunch right
- 10 oblique crunch right
- 10 oblique crunch left
- 10 pretzel crunch left
- 10 WW1s
Recover, Recover
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
John 19:26
With Debby moving in, we enjoyed the breeze, except when there wasn’t one (which was when we were working)
Lots of moseying so minimal lung capacity to have much mumble chatter
Prayed for Shannon and her family after the loss of a family member
Always a pleasure to lead!
God Bless,