1 Minute Kosar Style

FNG = Spell check

Forcast call for it to be cold and rainy, so I was mixed on my work out. I was thinking of a dice game, but they were in the room the dog sleeps so no to that idea. I brought Jump Ropes and Cards. But in the end, I gave in to the 1 min. workout. I wanted to stay under shelter as much as possible. We used Kettle Bell

I am going to list a bunch of exercises but the order is not correct I am sure. 

1 – Minute GO 
– Jump Rope
– Mountain climbers

Warm Up
– TS
– Football Snapper
– Plank 

1 – Min. Again
– Merkins
– Curls
– Burpees (try to get to 25)
– WW2
– Shoulder Press
– Jump Rope
– Squats

Jog to wall, 30 step ups each leg, then jog back

1 – Min
– Kettle Bell Swings
– burpees

Long jog to Pull up bars
– 10 regular
– 10 Chin Ups
– 10 Comandos

Long jog down to side walk around property

1 – Min
– Jump Rope for last time 

– Low Flutter
– Cruncy Frog
– Heels to heaven

5 more burpees to kill time, Recover Recover

– Tugs keeps impressing me everytime I see him which is alot, he is here for the long haul so get to know him!
– Spell Check?? – It was nice to meet you for the first time. I hope you keep posting, you made it through a good workout. 
– Swing State – One day maybe I will do a workout that is hard for you. Your a freaky awesome athele, but 10x better person. Grateful for our friendship
– Bagboy – I prey that I can kick ass as much as Bagboy when I am in my mid 50s. Like a machine he shows up and kicks ass. We might have to check your ID
– Enron – I feel like I see you everywhere. I throw out a hard Sunday work out and you show up after running 10 miles the day before, Really? You like pain, but I learn Auburn is a touchy subject?
– Cherry Bomb – I looked at your facebook and saw pictures before you turned your body in a greek statue. It is hard trying to keep up with guys in their 30s, great respect and love how you push me. 
– Honeysuckle Blue – quiet. don't hear the bitching or mumble chatter, you show up and kick ass. Love it, but i am wondering if the workout is not hard enough because you are night bitching….
– Jobe – Mr. Looks like Captin America, Is a doctor and had to leave early….? Honestly I just love going to an AO and seeing you there. I don't look like Cap, not a doctor, but I work my A$$ most times to be one second ahead of you, if I can. You really push me

* This workout was meant to keep the heart rate up. It was not to hard in any one area but keep you moving for 45 min., 15 sec rest is nothing…. I hope you all liked it and thankful you wanted to be there. 

***Bagboy son is raising money for a trip and selling Christmas Trees, Wreath and Bows. I spent a piss load of money on a fake tree 2 years ago but totally getting a Bow and a Wreath, my wife and mom will love me for it. Support a good cause! I will post the forms on Twitter as I don't know how on here. 

****Everyone Go to ChadX1000, Push yourself, it is Hard. 
*****Flo has a great cause feeding needy families over the Holidays. Every Single one of us has an extra $10 to help feed a family. Pack a lunch for one day and give that lunch money to a family that needs it…