1 Year Anniversary Q at The Estate

Unchained was also present.

Another gorgeous morning at The Estate as 16 showed on a 50 degree morning to celebrate YHC's 1 Year F3 Anniversary.

We moseyed to the bus lot for warmarama and the mumble chatter turned into rumble chatter really quick.

Mosey to playground and split into 2 groups.  Group 1, pullups.  Group 2 WW2s.  Repeato 3 times.

Mosey to grab a block and then to football field.

Murder Bunny 10 yards forward

10 ST Merkens

Murder Bunny 10 yards backwards

20 block squats

After 2 rounds YHC sensed the pax did not feel like killing bunnies.

Partner Up for Dora
One partner run 40 yards and back

Other partner:
OH press – 3 rounds
Curls – 3 rounds
Tail wagers – 1 Round

Mary – Mainly on our sides.  We like looking into each other’s eyes.

Recover Recover


Wow, what a year!

On 10/23/20, Popcorn talked me into going to a workout on a Saturday morning at 6am at RBP.  The only thing I knew was that these guys must be crazy because they worked out in parking lots at the butt crack of dawn.  Also, Popcorn kept telling me it wasn’t a cult!?!? To my surprise, I loved my first post so much I decided to stay for a second (Excelsior and then The Estate).  I had never felt so welcomed by a group of strangers in my life.  From the first workout, I had guys encouraging me, pushing me to be better.  Thank you F3LKN for one of the best years of my life!!! I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else in the world and its because of you!

Love you guys!
