10-10 WIN..!!

The morning was off to a competitive start as Goat ad Skipper started their warm-ups at 5:12am – 15minutes before the main attraction was even due to commence! F3 brothers all gathered to be part of the new picture at the "Birkdale Theater" for a Q by Cobra Kai; perfectly described by Jersey Boy as "F3’s new resident martial arts shifu and obsessive selfie-taker." Buttercup and FNG barely made the cut – they were probably too busy trying to snag some fresh popcorn – before stretching began. 


Nothing like a nice jog to get the lungs working (and the morning head fog to clear) followed by windmills and some carrot picking. . .this is already shaping up to be an interesting film. But what does the plot tell us?


Focus in on a tight shot and the screen goes to black, a title appears "10 10 Win". More horror story than sitco, the reaction is priceless. Faces go blank, eyes go wide….and Buttercup groans. It's Cobra Kai's special workout routine with 10 stations – each with its own workout repeated 10 times. Hence the name. It all starts with 10 of everything as Cobra Kai leads each exercise and shows how each move works. Soprano and Cherry Bomb suprise the crowd with their Muy Tai Flying Knees. And Jersey Boy, trying to steal the lead role, ends up almost falling (it was graceful) as he impersonated a Flying Knee followed by a Crane kick. Look out Jackie Chan! In true F3 fashion the stations have dual function – to sweat and mentor. Each station has their star leader that trains the next F3er to come up talk about a plot twist. But what about the third act?

Rolling credits include:

  1. Station 1: The Merkins
  2. Station 2: The Jump Squat
  3. Station 3: The Burpees
  4. Station 4: The side shuffle with sprawls
  5. Station 5: The low & high plank
  6. Station 6: The single leg plyo hops
  7. Station 7: The lunge follows with a flying Muay Thai knees
  8. Station 8: The sumo squat follow with sprawl/ half burpees
  9. Station 9: The side plank up & down
  10. Station 10: The X body mount climbers


A change of scenery and some huffing and puffing later, we found ourselves at the yoga portion of the morning, with some moves that only Jersey Boys seemed to be able to do without looking like bent-out-of-shape pretzel. 

It all came down to the last scene as Skipper's FNG was ready to be inducted and receive his official F3 nickname. Drum doll please…..Say hello to Rascal (named on behalf od Soprano, Skipper and Goat who probably wanted to make someone pay for their nicknames). 


It's a happy ending with almost 100% attendance at Starbucks. COVID-19 social distancing was in order which made for a terrible blooper reel even though spirits were high and jokes were shared. 

Congratulations Rascal and welcome to the F3 pack. We hope to see again soon!