Note to Blackbeard: Stars, Stripes & Little Buddy are not listed in Pax options above.  But the Boys were there and hit it hard.


20 Pax gathered for a 10-20-30 routine at Hollywood. 

Slow mosey around the round-about and up to the traditional theatre warming-lot.

Disclaimer, per F3 Guidelines

SSH X 50

Plank for calf-stretches

IST X 15

Cotton-picker X 15

Slow ‘Merican @ 10

Slow Squat @ 10

Mosey to our ramps for the main event, part 1:

At the base: 10 Jump-squats, 10 ‘Mericans, 10 WWIIs, bear crawl to the top of the ramp, run around and back down the stairs

Repeat with 20 of each

Repeat with 30 of each

Mosey to the rock pile and pick a winner.  Gather in the parking lot for part 2:

10 rock curls, 10 overhead presses, 10 rock squats, drop your rock and run to the corner (you know which corner) and back

Repeat with 20 of each

Repeat with 30 of each

Mosey to the end of the tennis courts and plank.

20 hand-release ‘Mericans

Bring it back to COT for a little MARY:

Dying cockroach X 20

15 Burpees OYO

Alternating LBC X 10


  1. High Roller rolled in at 05:00, scaring Landline, Mayhem and The Geek- who all chose to run away to safety for 30 minutes and contemplate their return.
  2. 2 days in a row of having Skipper back in Isotope land; just like the days of yore.  This time he brought his side-kick, Little Buddy.  Undoubtedly to keep him in line and help navigate the way.
  3. The chatter from S’mores only stops if you make him breathe hard.  That’s always a goal when he’s around.
  4. Someone please help Omega with his clocks and watches. On his current trajectory he’ll soon be showing up just in time for name-o-rama.
  5. Great to see Olive posting regular again, and of course we're glad to see High Roller back home!
  6. Thanks for posting, gents.