10 for 10

Another great morning with a great group of guys. 

FNG is Chickpea.  He and Ultraman ran in to the AO this morning.



The Thang

Parking lot suicides

run to first island perform exercise, run back run to next etc..

start at 5 reps and increase by 5 each island

5 islands in total

frist round merkins, second jump squats, third CDD

Next run down to the wall

Rocky Balboas on the curb, followed by dips.  Peoples Chair with air press and touch them heels, go go gadget arms

Run down to the circle

Everyone Al Gore, first person start bar crawl to end of line, repeat until everyone complete

Run back around circe and back up to the lot

Lieutenant Dan to 10

Grab blocks – low andhigh curls, lawn mowers, lateral raises, chest press, skull crushers

Blocks back and run tocarsfor MARY

Jane Fondas, WWII situps, LB, Pretzle crunch


Thank you to everyone that madeit out.  I appreciate it,.

Always a lot of mumblechatter when Blackbeard and Toxic are around

Goat was happy that he was able to show off his Al Goreform to his neighbors passing by

Chuckwagon killing it out there

Much Respect to half th Pax