3 men met #TheStandard for a little 2ndF jog before the workout (thanks for the 2ndF Kumquat and Calypso).  Seriously, who is working at Home Depot at 0500 on a Tuesday?

Shortly thereafter, 17 Men met the gloom head-on to cash in on some pre-emptive holiday calorie deficit early in the Christmas season.  It is 10 days until Christmas and I'm not sure how that equates in the "12 days of Christmas" song, but I assumed we were on the 10th day…so, a leapin we went.


Mosey to the launch pad for a little disclaimer and warmorama.

SSH x30ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

Cotton Jackers x10ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

Tony Hawk x10ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

Imperial Storm Squatters x16ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo


Mosey to rails for:

Reverkin x10ic

Derkin x10ic


Mosey to bottom of Mounty Hill for Cackalacka Choo Choo up the hill to the 3rd lightpole

Climate Changer Time Bomb

Mosey to the bottom of the hill, Partner Up: 

Partner 1 runs to the 3rd lightpole, Partner 2 does jump squats (aka Bobby Hurleys), flip flop and repeato until your team gets to 100 jump squats.


Indian Run back to the parking lot for more shenanigans

Start at Charlie's Coffeehouse and broadjump each parking space to the cars.


"Triste Navidad" (look it up).  COP, as the song plays, do a 'Merican everytime you hear "Feliz Navidad" then do mountain climbers with the beat when you hear "I want to wish you a Merry Christmas."


MARY et al

LBC x10ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

The W x10ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

Homer to Marge

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

Knee Ups x10ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

JLo x10ic

High Knee Jumps x10oyo

Merican timebomb…3…2…1 BOOM!




-Thanks to all the 10-counters this morning.  There were many, but they were needed and well deserved.  I deleted them from the body of the BB due to not being able to keep count or give proper recognition.

-NiteStick: nice reintroduction of the climate changer time bomb thingy.  Thanks for stepping in while YHC caught his breath.  And, Yes, there are supposed to be leaps in the burpees.

-FNG "We'll call him Steve for now" looked strong this morning.  It doesn't get any easier, but your body is able to handle it better as you keep posting.  Look forward to seeing you out in the gloom again.  You just have to post one more time to get an awesome nickname.  However, as I told you, if you wear anymore Tarheel gear, you will never lead again *evillaugh

-Parking space broad jumps on the slick surface…may have to rethink that one.  Everyone seemed to figure it out quickly…except Clooney.

-Even though there were many opinions on the least favorite Christmas song, I believe everyone agreed on Feliz Navidad by the end of it.  It's only a 3-minute song, but oh, the agony!

-Luckily it wasn't 9 days until Christmas (look it up if you don't know the song)…that would have looked pretty bad.  Although, if Mini Me was Qing, it may have some potential.

-Hope you all got enough leaping this morning.  Your legs will be sore and you're welcome 😉