10 mile Tapering through 10 Neighborhoods

Event Date

Dec 05, 2020


Today we tapered with 10 meandering miles. We started at the Wilderness AO and proceeded to run through MacCaulay to the intersection of Stumptown. Frogger of course went left while the rest of us went right and down to the traffic circle. Good thing the Tesla corrected him and had him turn around. We then met up with the Mighty Jungle crew and did between 1 and 10 pull-ups. Contrary to Toxic's accusation, we did not get his windshield wipers. On to the neighborhood across the street and then to the new connected neighborhood. Up to Ranson and down to Rosedale. We ran up the hill to Reese Blvd. and took a right, with Frogger once again going left. Back on the route to Kincey and into the business park. We ran up towards Joe Gibbs and turned onto Julian Price to the magic cut-through to the Kinnamon Communty Garden. We admired the garden briefly and took off for Windblown and part of the 7.4 miler route. At this point, we crossed McCoy and into Cedarfield and ran to Twin Trail, where we entered the greenway. We took the greenway back to Giliead and met up with Blackbeard at the light. He was heading to coffeteria, which would have been a good stop for us as well. Next time. We ran back to the start, where we were short of the 10 miles. So, we ran the Crab Legs-Jorel-formerly Ikea & Sweet C loop to get to 10. It was a great start to the weekend. Everyone is ready for the HH next Saturday. I look forward to pacing anyone trying to break 2 hours. See you there.

Until next time

