10 of the HH

14 of the fastest runners in Isotope (including Frasier not on the website) failed to run an 8:30 pace…as usual. Here is their story:

Sometime before 0530

Optimus was the only taker for early miles


10 ish miles on the Huntersville Half course


Recover recover



  • Pace bullies were out and thriving this morning. Cold but warmed up quick. 
  • Good to see Little Finger and Garcia back at it..looking all healed and ready to go!
  • Dallas and Hoodie rolled in at the usual time
  • Beetle is still running…
  • ToolTime jumped in from Race City and kept Anchovy and YHC safe runnin' out front with the vest
  • Blackbeard crushing a ruck in Wynfield…strong brother
  • Mini Me did tempo until he didn't. He misses you Billy Bob.
  • Great morning for a run. Thank you for joining gents. Until the next time…