10 pack of Bells

On a glorious Monday Morning – with both Master Q’s in attendance – we set out to Make Men.

Warmorama – No bells – take a lap around the lot.  Circle Up for assorted stretching and such.

The Thang:

Bell Exercises in Cadence – Curls, Overhead Press, Skull Crushers, Squats

Put them all together for 10 8-Count Body Builders in cadence

Take your bell to the curb near the school – grab a partner.

We took another lap: Partner 1 grabbed both bells farmer carry style and began the lap – Partner 2 dropped for 10 Americans and then caught up to P1.  Flip Flop in this fashion until the entire lap was made.  

Line up at the curb facing the lot.  Bear Crawl advancing your bell along the way until about midway across the lot.  Circle Up

15 KB Swings OYO – 10 Lunges Each Leg – Stock the Shelf 10 x L and 10 X R

Mosey another “FULL” lap – no bells.  YHC and Travolta completed the lap – others were shamed with 5 burpee penalties.  

Curl series – High, Low, Slow Full

Bear crawl with bell back to the curb. Head to the wall.

People’s Chair + Air Press, People’s Chair + Land the Plane, Balls to the Wall

Back to the curb – take another lap with your partner: Farmers Carry + 10 Americans all the way around.

MARY: LBCs, Low Flutters, Dying Cockroach, Plank Series



  • Good to see Sean out in the gloom.  Heard he plans to Post tomorrow to get his name.  Thanks to Jersey Boy who EH’d him.
  • Prayers up for Deep Dish’s family as they mourn the loss of his uncle Eddie.  Prayers also up for JB’s friend Nate who is struggling, but who seems to be making some progress.
  • Good crowd with Good Chatter.  Many joined for coffeteria at Starbucks where we saw PAX from Berean and Arnie’s.
