10 Pax Honored & Observed The 19th Anniversary of the 9/11 Pentagon Attack

FNG 1 = Puddin (Constant reminders to register on the LKN website….)

With it being the 4th WotM, a S2K morning, and a little over 2 weeks away from the 19th anniverary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks (plus Shrooms asked a few months ago when we were going to run this one again), 10 Pax came out to honor the memory of those killed and affected by the attack on the Pentagon and run the Pentagon Memorial Route.

Starting at the Green, run up to a LEFT on Chairman Blake Lane, RIGHT on Lorimer, RIGHT on Woodland, continue down around and up Spring St., RIGHT on Walnut, RIGHT on Main St and continue back onto Chairman Blake Lane.  REPEATO 5 total times.  

Not only does the route appear as a pentagon, but the toughness and repetition of the hardship is meant to get Pax thinking of what all those people when through and continue to deal with (although it could never come close to their reality).

All Pax present did well with this tough route and during COT we were reminded to Never Forget!