Yeah, Yeah, I know.  This backblast is late.  I spent 10 years building up to this point in F3, so another week isn't that bad. Sorry to have kept you waiting.  I am honored to have had so many pax join me today…especially with it being a holiday weekend.  But really, that's what it's all about.  I didn't know any of you 10 years ago and now I consider all of you friends…more on that later.  I actually planned this one out just like when I first started F3 and most of it went as planned, as is not what normally happens. I tried to incorporate some old school ideas and things I remember learning over the years at the Estate. Here's what went down:

Warmorama run to the bus lot to shuffle the first 10 bus spaces.  Circle up for more warming of the bodies:

SSH x10ic

Windmill x10ic

Apollo Ono x10ic

Frankenstein x10ic walking around the circle

Everyone go over the wall once. Use help when necessary. (we used to do it 3-5 times with no assistance)

Circle up for a Meow Mix

Merican x9ic

Mountain Climbers x9ic

Rock Hopper x9ic

Shoulder Touches x9ic

Hip Slappers x9ic

Peter Parker x9ic

Parker Peter x9ic

Stump Jumper x9ic

Plank Jack x9ic


Mosey to the bottom field for a modified Kamikaze (we didn't have time for a full Kamikaze)

-Run all the fields and hills up to the BFR. Stop halfway across each field for 10 WW2 Sit Ups, 10 CDD at the bottom of each hill, 10 Squat Jumps at the top of each hill


Mosey to the Ridge Wall for Pinky Pie: 1 dip, over the wall, 1 Incline Merican, back over the wall, 2 dips, over the wall, 2 Incline Mericans, back over the wall…all the way up to 10 (we used to also go back down to 1)


Mosey to the top of the lot for some Australian Peel Back action


Mosey to the "pain pocket watch" Partner 1 People's Chair, Partner 2 goes and does 10 pull ups. Flip Flop, Repeat. Start again with 8 pull ups, then again with 6,4,2…0

Mosey to the truck for ROXANNE! If you don't know what that is, then you don't know me at all *cool*

MARY honors goes to Sweet Caroline since it is his 10-year as well.


DOUGHNUTS AND COFFEE rewarded to all those that finished the beatdown.


I am so appreciative for all that F3 has been to me and my family.  It has challenged and stretched me to new achievements I never thought possible before.  I have always been active in some form or fashion, but I never experienced the adventures I have before F3.  I was never a runner before.  I have now done 2 half-marathons and 7 multi-day relays.  I was never an early riser.  I now find it difficult to sleep past 6am.  The man I have become has a lot to do with the men I have surrounded myself with before 6am.  You help me see past my self-generated limits.  You give me examples of good choices and family-centered lives.  You make it easy to keep my morals at a higher standard and not falter throughout the day knowing I have to face you again the next morning.  You allow me to face the burdens of a workout knowing you will be right beside me AND the burdens of life, knowing you will be right beside me.  I am proud to call you all friends.  From the friends I haven't seen in the gloom in a while or not as often ( you know who you are), to the ones I have just met and to the ones that have yet to join.  Keep giving it away, Lord knows someone needs it as much as I needed it 10 years ago.  Thanks to Slaughter for not giving up the EH so easily.
