100% No ‘Merican Guarantee

Event Date

Jan 06, 2023


9 Pax were present and accounted for at #Emmaus this morning. After YHC’s Q’s at Night Ranger and the Wilderness this week, his arms were struggling, so he only had core and leg exercises options to work with. Therefore, a No ‘Merican Guarantee Proclamation was issued at the onset to all Pax.  Here’s a summary of what occurred:


Mosey from base  to Checkpoint 2 at the parking deck ramp for:

Warmarama (IC):

-Side Straddle Hop x50 (100) Yes!

-Slow Wind Mill x10

-IST x20 (40)

-Toy Soldiers x10 (20)

-Mountain climbers x20 (40)

On your 6

-50 LBC’s

Sprint up the ramp and down the stairs

-50 WW II’s

Sprint up the ramp and down the stairs

-Glute bridge extension reps x20

Sprint up the ramp and down the stairs

Mosey to Checkpoint 3 at the square for (IC):

-Dips x15 (30)

-Christian McCalf raises x23 (36)

Mosey a lap around the square

-Knee tuck crunch x20 OYO

-Reverse crunch/heels to heaven/dot that i x20 OYO

Mosey a lap around the square

-Freddy Mercury x20

-Alternating t-planks x10 each side (20)

Mosey a lap around the square

Mosey to Checkpoint 4/movie parking lot for (IC)

-Squats x20 (40)

-Muhammad Ali/Ricky Balboa x20 (40)

-Praying mantis x20 (40)

-B2W (hold 30 sec)


Mosey back to base/Checkpoint 1 for a round of Mary (IC):

-Mountain Climber x20 (40)

-Low Flutter x15 (30)

-Burpees x5 OYO

-Mobility Moment

-Pickle Pounder x15 (30)

-Pillow talk/side crunch x10 each side (20)

-Snow Angel x15 (30)


Recover, Recover



Announcements/Prayer Requests:

-Come out to the 10 year anniversary at the Estate tomorrow. You can do a triple down, double down, or single showing (5am standard OYO/OTB, 6am ruck @ Excelsior, 7am bootcamp @ the Estate).

-Remember OBT who is recovering from a stroke.

-Reminder to Pax to ensure ALL of their physicals and screenings are done with their primary and specialty docs. Know your age and what needs to be assessed. Don’t try to be Superman.

-Unspokens among F3

-Parents of Pax-Remember those who recently lost a parent. Also, remember those Pax who have caregiving and/or health issues with aging parents.

-There are plenty of MQ’s at various AO’s who need some Q’s to cover. Please consider going out to the calendar and sign up on one one or more dates between now and June.

-Also, we need a commitment from all Pax to help EH those who haven’t posted in a while and may get back at it in early 2023, or FNG’s who may be curious about F3 who may start posting. #just1


Jedi, Two Buck Chuck, and Ramrod all did the run only option today while Camelback, Nacho Libre, Crocs, Rodeo, and Gnarly Goat chose to endure the bootcamp pain.

Always good spending time with you gents. Until next time…


(aka Tobra Commander, Tobra Kai, Tobi-Wan, Teletoby, Tobias, Tobadia, “Toe”bee,, TobyMac, etc.)