100 yard ‘dash’ – PRD style!

Event Date

Jul 07, 2016


10 strong men (above list plus Fannie Mae, Spinnarkle, and Paul Schaefer) gathered for a #PRD (People's Republic of Davidson) version of the 100 yard dash.  


20 SSH, 15 IST, Stretching legs, 15 Windmills, 10 Incline Merkins IC, 10 Decline Merkins IC

Mosey to the track

Da Thang:

Since a lot of the Davidson Pax will be doing the Moonlight Run tonight (3.5 or 5 mile run with pain) we decided to limit our running and leg work.  That meant that today was heavy on the chest, shoulders, and abs.  

Round 1

  • start at the goal line, bear crawl 10 yards to the 10 yard line
  • 10 diamond merkins SC
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 20 yard line
  • 20 Carolina Dry Docks SC
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 30 yard line
  • ABC's + numbers 1-4 (basically get ab work in for 30 different letters/numbers)
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 40 yard line
  • 40 dips SC
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 50 yard line
  • 50 Moroccan Nightclub IC
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 40 yard line
  • 40 Freddie Mercury IC
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 30 yard line
  • 30 Merkins SC
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 20 yard line
  • 20 partner decline merkins SC (1 guy plank, other guy decline merkin / switch)
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the 10 yard line
  • 10 incline merkins SC
  • bear crawl 10 yards to the goal line

Mosey one lap around track

Round 2

  • Start at the goal line and repeat the above pattern, in reverse.  And instead of bear crawl, you do the crawl bear.

Mosey one lap around track

Round 3

  • 10 merkins SC
  • Partner BTTW (one guy holds other guys ankles in the air for 30 seconds / switch)
  • 30 squats SC
  • snake 1/2 stadium (had to get a LITTLE leg work in)

Mosey back to the Green and met the 0530 crew for Mary

Shout outs:

  1. Huge shout out to the RESPECT crew.  I had 3 guys in the category that absolutely hammered it, continuing to set an incredible example for the rest of us.
  2. During Mary, we are reminded to keep families in our prayers that are going through hard times.  Lift them up, and most importantly, remind them (and ourselves) that these struggles are what should bring us closer to God and to each other.  Ask for help!!!  You have support everywhere you turn.
