1,000 is a large number

Event Date

Nov 29, 2016

The morning started off well with YHC + 3 PAX meeting the standard – warmed up and ready to go…

8 PAX met at the usual place despite the threat of rain that never happened – there was some uncertainly about what was going to go down, because whenever YHC Q's without the PAX stepping up I bring the pain back – here is how the beating unfolded


mosey to top of parking lot and circle up (all IC) except where notes

SSH x 20

Cotton Pickers x 10

Toy Soldier x 10

IST x 12

Seal Claps x 25

mosey undercover


Partner up size does not matter but speed might – partner relay 

Squats x 500

Flutter Kicks (single count) x 400

Burpees x 100

partner one commence exercise, partner 2 run 100 yards and then flapjack until all reps are complete

Part II

Continuos Reps individual – YHC calls an exercise PAX execute and count reps continuously across exercises – mountain climbers, LBC, hand release merkins, touch them heels, etc.  PAX completed 212 reps for a grand total of 1,212 combined reps

Mosey to bottom of parking lot – Recover Recover


–  PAX were chatty at the start this AM, but quickly silenced by 1,000 reps

–  Strong Work out of everyone and it was good to see Memo back out (2nd day in a row) and 66

–  Call for Q's for January is wide open – Stray I got you down for 12/27 and Ester Lauder I am penciling you in for your Virgin Q in January

–  Next time I Q you all can look forward to Burpocolyps 3: Hell No! Which should be epic
