The Blender 1,000 KB reps
20 SSH
10 Imperial Stormtroopers
10 windmills
30 KB swings
30 KB skull crushers
30 KB squat to press
30 KB curls
30 KB bent over rows
30 KB up right rows
30 KB lawnmower pulls (half each arm) +1
30 KB snatch each arm (half each arm)+1
30 Count- plank and move KB from one side & set down then back to the other side
30 KB press with low flutter
Repeat with 25 reps
Repeat with 20 reps
Repeat with 15 reps
Repeat with 10 reps
Total: 1,000 reps (100 per exercise)
At first I thought it was going to be a one man band as I sat in my truck with the heat on and dog panting to go play fetch. Then with 3 minutes to go, Toxic and Smokey arrived.
We started about 3 minutes late as I couldn’t get the inner liners of the gloves to straighten out. It was too cold to lift a metal KB without gloves.
The first round of 30 reps wasn’t too bad but after the round of 25 reps, the body and arms became fatigued. I am not sure what was worse: squats to press or the one arm snatches.
With the 100 reps remaining (round of 10) we were already running late but the PAX decided to push through to the end.
Toxic was shocked to see Roxie lay down to take a break while fetching.
Flo borrowed this workout idea from a previous Ultraman beat down and made a few changes.
This one will hurt later on today
Good work everyone!