10:1 Ratios: Math Is Fun

Event Date

Jan 30, 2016


35 strong, threw back the fart-sack sheet and ventured out, on a crisp 28 degree morning, to sharpen-up their math skills.  YHC learned, today, he can't remember all the PAX from the name-o-rama, so, in lieu of leaving someone off, and accidentally crediting a guilty fart-sacker, no names will be mentioned.  Note to self: next Q, use trusty hand-held computer to record sound-off….heard that works great 🙂  Besides, those posted will probably retain the lesson for a while.  If you missed it…well, lets just say we studied ratios, and I'm sure, at some point, I'll teach a refresher class.   The Davidson PAX recognized what was happening to them quickly (impressive Mind Freak) and YHC heard the BS call within two minutes.  I was also warned of a possible mutiny, seeing the number of increasing burpee ratios, right out of the gate.  Here's how it all went down.



SSH X 20 IC – 1 burpee

IST X 20 IC – 2 burpees

Merkins X 10 IC – 3 burpees (BS calls start here and basically last through the warm-up)

Squats X 15 IC – 4 burpees

Mt. Climbers X 15 IC – 5 burpees

Cotton Pickers X 20 IC – 6 burpees

Wall Jumps X 15 – 7 burpees

Dips X 25 IC – 8 burpees

Russian Twists X 15 IC – 9 burpees

Alt. Lunges X 15 IC – 10 burpees


COP:  10 to 1's

10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 WWII sit-ups

9 Merkins, 9 Squats, 9 WWII sit-ups

8 Merkins, 8 Sauats, 8 WWII sit-ups

7,7,7 – 6,6,6 – 5,5,5 – 4,4,4 – 3,3,3 – 2,2,2 – 1,1,1

50 staright count dips (crowd favorite) and then 100 flutter kicks (crowd pleaser)

Round two: 10 to 1's  –  Mosey over behind Summit Coffee 

10 Decline Merkins, 10 Wall Jumps, 20 Alt. Lunges (10 each leg)

9 Decline Merkins, 9 Wall Jumps, 18 Alt. Lunges (9 each leg)

8 Decline Merkins, 8 Wall Jumps, 16 Alt. Lunges (8 each leg)

7,7,7 – 6,6,6 – 5,5,5 – 4,4,4 – 3,3,3 – 2,2,2 – 1,1,1 

The sweat is pouring on YHC at this point and the PAX is kindly reminded by Swampthing that it's only 0730. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing.

Mosey over to DUMC – paver 10 to 1's

10 Curls IC, 10 Skull Crushers, 10 Over-head Presses, 10 Paver Squats, 15 Flutter Kicks IC

9 Curls, 9 Skull Crushers, 9 Over-head Presses, 9 Paver Squats, 15 IC Flutter Kicks

8,8,8, 15FK's – 7,7,7,15FK's – 6,6,6,15FK's – 5,5,5,15FK's – 4,4,4,15FK's -3,3,3,15FK's

 2,2,2,15FK's.…….Surprise ending:  15,15,15,15FK's


NAME-O-RAMA/Announcements/ Moleskin:

It is always an honor to lead the men at Davidson.  You guys amaze me!  I know we routinely get our fair share of ribbing, clear across F3Nation, for mixing in an occasional yoga work-out, drinking only the finest scotch, or sipping only the best red wine available, but we know how to get work done, too, and in impressive fassion!  If you're reading this and have never posted for a full hour Saturday massacre, from some of Davidson's most dreaded Q's…do yourself a solid and post for a Chim Chim, P'diddy, Scum, or some of the many other, total beat-down masters.  You'll have a much clearer understanding of what it means to routinely post in "The People's Republic" of Davidson 🙂 AYE!!!