10pm Booty call to Q next day

Event Date

Jan 12, 2017


Warriors came out for nice crisp morning…  After the late night booty call from Limburger to Q the next morning, i scrambled for a workout to punish everyone for the late night call.  Below was the smoker!!!  Also take notice when Unlce Rico shows up to an AO, why does he park so far away from everyone?  We think he just doesnt want to assoicate himself with a bunch of bums, name change for uncle rico to Anti-Social.    

Warm O Rama – 

Mosey around the parking lot with a quick run

Circle up for 27 SSH – Actually didnt realize I got louder at 27 and heard everyone shouting so I figured I should probably stop at 27..

Workout – 

Gather for Rocks

  • Rock Slides – To one end of the parking lot
  • Sprint back to the starting point
  • Burpees (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)

Repedo above but decrease the burpees by 2 each time…

  • Bear Crawl to one end of the parking lot
  • Sprint back to the starting spot
  • Rock Swings (10, 8, 6, 4, 2)

Again repedo but decrease the rock swings by 2 and do over…

Circle up, no mary needed…  We done!!!