11 Gladiators Conquered at St. Mark

The PAX covered alot of ground this morning at St. Mark. Here's how it went down.

Lap around parking lot.

No FNG's

Psalm 118:24





Toy Soldiersx10

Slow Squatx10


The Thang

Mosey down to front of school grab piece of wall and 

Peoples chair

Balls to walls


mosey to half wall behind church

climb ups x 10 

mosey down to hill along side of school for ladder

bottom of hill – burpees start at 10 work down to 1

top of hill – squats start at 1 work up to 10

mosey to stairs behind church for what I so affectionately call the Stairway to Hell.

partner up 

wheel barrow down stairs – 10 LBC at bottom

bunny hop back up stairs – 10 carolina dry docks at top

4 times

mosey back to circle for short Mary

Amen – JLo

Landline – Slow merkins

Ninja – freddy mercury

Travolta – Blast off merkins

Recover recover


Continued prayers for Snake-eyes and Pierogies mothers.  Also Prayers for Dryhops wife.  Due Friday but ready anyday.  Also for Dryhop.

Revelation 5:13-14


Thanks as always to Travolta for letting me Q.  I had to stop at 49 SSH because I just could not do the full 50 you do.

The Force had to leave right after workout so we determined during name-o-rama that he was the War daddy and the War baby.

Speaking of The Force,  he put out a pb for the standard too late Monday night that Blackbeard, Sweet C and I did not see so he ran alone.  Great work!  I will try to stay up later so as to not miss it.

Alot of mumblechatter this morning – especially from Blackbeard.

I still do not have a watch so thanks to Sweet C for keeping time for me.  Travolta asked when my bday is and I told him next Thursday(Feb 2 by the way guys)  and he said he would get me a watch for it.  Then Blackbeard chimed in that Jolly has an older Garmin he is giving away.  I already have gotten in touch with him about that.

Great work by all today.  Remember men it is you vs you so if you have to modify than do so.  It is all right.  I had to when I started and still do some today.

God is good all the time!