11 Men hit the 52 Strength Stack

Still recovering from Crack's gathering, we gathered to pay homage to Monday morning, and as such made our downpainment for the week. Here's how if flowed:

Warmups: Mozy, high knees, butt kickers, R/L karoke, circle up!

COP (all IC)- SSH 20, IST 15, WM's 10, Sit outs 12, CDD's 12. Mozy to playground (newly mulched!).

COP-Slow deep 1/4 turn jump squats (you know EXACTLY what these are) 10 IC. Divide into two groups. 

Group 1 10 pull ups, Group 2  20 dips, switch excercises and groups, rinse and repeat with pullups going 8,6,4, and dips going 15,10,5

Mozy to Pavilion of Pain–low and behold, 52 Strength Stack dice and excercise cards 'happened' to be waiting for us on the picnic tables!!  THE THANG-roll a die, do the excercises and # of reps either in or not in cadence, whatever the Q decided.  Mostly, it was our normal bootcamp excercises, but a couple of new things emerged, like isotonics.  Here's what I remember.  Burpees 8, LBC's, wide grips, chest touch merkins (hard to do), LBC's, power jacks, SSH's, diamond merkins, leg kicks (from the crab position), reverse leg raises (prone position), isotonics (chest compress and bicep compress), dips, CDD's, Mason twists and others.  Each die has six sides with six difference excercises, working a muscle group (core, legs, arms, abs, etc).  We did three rounds, so about 15 excercises and reps varied for each excercise.  It was ……..semi-fun. 

Mozy back to home base. Mary: Low flutter 30 IC, hold 6", for a bit.

Recover, recover.


-Mayday and Butterstick were there, but there names are not on the Isotope WS yet, I've emailed them into HG.

-FNG Rich Vaglioni (sp?) showed up, EH's from Butterstick, and is from Putnam County of NY, works at IR, married, 3 kids, likes the Panthers and Jets, Mets, Islanders.  Naming is taking place over on Slack.

-SOME of these excercises were hard, most were easy or real easy.  We did Level 1 of 3 levels today.  I think we're a Level 2 or 3 lot, those future painments will be administed in upcoming posts, watch for them closely.

-The Ruckers ostensibly are tapering……

-Loveshack, Honeymoon, and Motorboat cruised in early for a 3.2 mile #thestandard run today, impressive.

-Chief has the Q at Kettlebells tomorrow, WORD!

-Thanks Loveshack, for the chance to lead.