11 Pax for Today’s The Revolt East Loop Route

Officially welcoming Puddin' – finally no longer a FNG in backblasts.  

11 Pax turned out for The Revolt this morning and as it is the 2nd Wedensday of the Month, the East Loop was on tap.  

It was good to see several of the guys who usually run 5 at 5 with Genghis there for The Revolt today since GK is OOT. 

During the run out to the traffic circle, curiousity abounded about why Hulka hadn't passed us yet, until he materialized beside the group and mentioned how Kimberly is a Strava segment.  After a brief discussion, we all encourgaged him to be a Legend today while Easy quickly though through letting Hulka go first to guage how fast he would need to go to be the day's Legend.  

Everyone's run was legendary today especially considering the 10 degree warmer weather this morning compared to yesterday morning.  It's always a pleausre running with these men who choose to Revolt against bootcamps with a mid-week run in Davidson!