11 Pax for Today’s The Revolt Reverse Teeter to Teeter Route

11 Pax Revolted against the workout cancellation and posted for The Revolt run this third Wednesday of the Month, which meant we ran the Reverse Teeter to Teeter route.

While we exceeded guidance on the total number of people assembled, we did not group together, but stayed spread out the whole time.  This was aided by cones placed six feet apart along both sides of the sidewalk in front of the Big Hemlock tree at the Davidson Green.  Pax were advised to find a cone at the start for a route debrief and to facilitate the staggered start.  

Once back at the finish, everyone returned to a cone for a socially distanced COT.  

The Gloom lived up to it's name with the dense fog and all Pax did a great job on the run.  

While it's called The Revolt, we will now comply with F3LKN and F3Davidson guidance and will not formally meet next Wednesday, 25 March 2020 for The Revolt.  Being that next Wednesday is the 4th Wednesday of the Month, and that means the route is Show to Know, everyone is encouraged to just get out there and run 5 miles next Wednesday morning. 

It is always encourgaing & awesome posting and running with these men and I look forward to all of us being able to get back out there together soon!
