11 Pax Ran The Revolt Reverse Teeter to Teeter Route This AM!

FNG-1 = Wham-O (someone tell him to register on this website!)

The 3rd Wednesday of the Month meant the Reverse Teeter to Teeter route was on tap & today it was served up with warmer temperatures and some surprising light rain.  

There was some good discussion about the correct way to run South Street – either up it or down it – in anticipation of this morning's route, and by the end, there appeared to be consensus that running up South St. is the correct/best way.

Everyone did a great job with this morning's run.  Puddin' and Shrooms lead the charge and political discussion kept Hulka at bay. Apparently the healthy discussion supported Dredd's point of our country not being the Unified States, meaning we don't all have to believe the same thing, but rather the United States, in that although we beleive different things, we come together for a greater purpose – uniting us despite our differences.

It's always a pleasure seeing & running with these men each Wednesday when we choose to take a mid-week break from the boot camps and put down some miles together.   
