11 ROCKED the Boomerang at The Wilderness

Also in the PAX (but apparently have not yet registered on the "new" website) were Burgoo and Vinz Clortho.

The rain was hard.  The wind was fierce.  It was dark.  Scary.  And then YHC finally decided to get out of bed anyway – after all, the Master Q had neglected to solicit a Q (during the week of the Masters, somewhat ironicy but not really).  10 others rose as well – some well before YHC for The Standard.  They were less fortunate – that's when the rain was coming down.  By the time we all gathered at the AO, the rain had subsided just leaving us with landmines of water spread across the AO.  Here is our story…

We launched at 0510 and moseyed up to the traffic circle atop the hill, a little high knees, butt-kickers and karoke along the way.  There the disclaimer was announced, followed by warmorama consisting of SSHs, ESTs, Cotton Pickers and Mountain Climbers.  The warmorama was immediately followed by a set of 10 merkins in cadence – a bit of foreshadowing of what would follow…

Mosey to the rock pile by the traffic circle.

Low curls, high curls and full curls.  Leave your rocks – we will be back.

Mosey down to the rock pile behind the tennis courts.  Bring your rocks to the sidewalk for work.

Squats.Merkins.  Leave your rocks – we will be back.

Upper rock pile would be upper body, lower rock pile lower body (and back).  Each exercise was followed by a set of 10 merkins in cadence, then a run up or down hill to the other rocks. List of other exercises the pax completed (again – all followed by a set of merkins):

Skull Crushers

Dead Lifts

Shoulder Press

Bent Over Rows

Chest Press

Calf Raises

Full Curls to wrap it up.

Hey we've got these rocks – let's use them for Mary!

Mason Twist w/ rock

WWII sit-up w/ rock

Low Flutter (no rock)

Box Cutter (no rock)

Hip Dips (no rock)

Shoulder Touch Merkins (despite missing Snake Eyes)

Return your rocks and RECOVER-RECOVER! 

The wet, slippery moleskine:

I believe it was after the side straddle hops and during the emperial storm troopers an SUV rounded the traffic circle and parked right there on the road.  Welcome, Vinz Clortho!

Toxic – any question where his nickname derived from?  Nope, not at all. Wow.

9-Lives – Thanks for pushing me, welcoming me back for my virgin Q (well, with the new bionic shoulder anyway), and challenging me to do every merkin.  Even when I had to do the last 2 sets from my knees, I felt your respect.  Never thought I'd feel the burn of merkins when doing them from my knees, but yep – it burned.

I think we did 90 or 100 merkins in cadence – so that's 180 to 200 single counts.  I can't wait to tell my physical therapist!  I hope I can drive tomorrow…

Lot of mumble chatter out there this morning, and YHC loved every word of it (even if 80% of it was from 9-Lives).

It's a blessing to have the ability and the opportunity and the freedom to do F3.  Have it taken away from you for 3+ months and you'll know how much it can mean to you.  Ask anyone who's been on the IR.  Black Eyed Pea  introduced me to it 2+ years ago and my journey has been great.  It is an honor to lead you great men through a workout.  Thank you for the opportunity.