6 men appeared in the gloom to get a sack of gainz for Christmas.
SSH, TS,WM, CP, IST, Arm Circles
The Thang:
20 reps of the following exercises with dumbbells for 2 rounds, 10 reps of each exercise for the 3rd round.
1 rep for curls = left arm curl, right arm curl, then both arms curl.
- 1,1,2 Military Press
- 1,1,2 Bent Row
- 1,1,2 Curl
- 1,1,2 Bridge Bench
- 1,1,2 Tri Kicks
- 1,1,2 Lunge Squats
Crunch Frogs- Surf
OH Pull Crunch – 911
- Q snuck in 3-4 excercises in one rep depending on how you count
- Great seeing Hambone out! My man is ENGAGED! Congrats bro!
- Visions of the past Tuna Relay came about through an incident with Surf. One of teams buses had on the side, "Never Trust a Fart. " Kinda sounds like a Nattyism. Surf blew one threw his underwear and jeans just thinking he was going to have a good fart.
- Hambone shared a story of driving from a workout, got caught in construction traffic, really had to take a good dump. Decision time in his truck, should I go or what? Between his ranger shorts and the seat shield apparently acted a good diaper, and saved the day. Those are the short shorts he wore to workouts that had a little side ball action that you can't unsee.
- Great fellowship with everyone! Lots of laughing and conversation this am.
- Strong push everyone! Tough one!