1122 step ups for 1/1/22 — The Crazies and The Regulars


Back in November, Anvil lead a tough workout at SVU to bring some suicide awareness to the team.
I think we did 1000 stepups as a 3-person team while carrying the 33# blocks.  It was def tough.

A few weeks back, Anvil (our resident sadist/masochist) kinda jokes about maybe doing 1122 step ups on 1/1/22.
Oh dear, that seed grew to fruition and became this workout.  Thanks Anvil! 

T-claps to Anvil and Hefty for bringing the pain.  I brought a speaker and music.  Many options were provided for the pax to Choose-Your-Own-Workout.
Anvil reminds us to 'just do one more' when we are tired…and apply it to life when we feel hopeless.

WarmUp by all:
22 SSH
22 toy soldiers
10 windmills
arm circles
22 merkins to #BuyIn to The Chad

Two groups kinda formed.  The Crazies and The Regulars.
"The Crazies" is how Hefty described us…LOL

The Crazies found their 20" step up box or 19" picnic table bench and chose between…
  * Slim – body weight – Sonar
  * Standard – 20-23# packs – Tonka, Cheetah
  * Heavy – 40-45# packs – Anvil #BeastMode
…and GO!  1122 is the target

The Regulars kicked butt as well…looked pretty darn tough…#cardio #CrowdPleaser:
  -Big lap mosey
  -Join Crazies for 100 step ups
  -Mosey to track between soccer fields
  -11’s …10 burpees then run half length of field 1 merkin, run back all the way to 1 burpee 10 merkins 
  -75% sprint 50 yards (10 count by TK) 
  -Mosey back to start
  -Escalators…10 jump ups, 20 burpees, 30 merkins, 40 squats, 50 lunges 
  -Mosey to pull up bars and partner up
  -50 pull ups as a team …p1 pull up while p2 planks, flapjack 
  -Mosey back to crazies then 7 more minutes of steps ups 

The Regulars finished with 6MOM, all in cadence 
  -Freddie Mercury’s x 15 
  -American Hammers 
  -E2K’s x 10 each side 
  -LBC’s x 10 
  -Dr. W’s x 10  #NICE!

Recover Recover for the Regulars
The Crazies took a break to have full squad Reflection

Ephesians 4: 17-32 is subtitled Instructions for Christian Living…good read
"You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self (which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires), to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."
– NewYearNewYou…take some time to consider what went right last year and what went wrong.
– What is your reference for "right"?  The verse reminds us that we need to put away our old (pre-Christ) desires, be made new, and then be more like the creations we were meant to be…like God in true righteousness and holiness.
– not based on your image or who you pretend to be…who you really are
– Are we going to achieve true righteousness and holiness?  We can strive to achieve them, but we are going to fail.  – That's ok.  Just level up when you can, and over time, through maturity, we will become more righteous and more what we were created to be.
– What can you do in 2022 to be better?
– Reflect on 2021, consider meaningful goals for 2022, write them down, put specific words and measures into your goals
– Be accountable to God in prayer, be accountable to friends.  Be better.

Name-arama and fist bumps around 

The Crazies finish up the 1122 and then do 22 merkins as #TheFinisher.
* Sonar finishes at 8:34-ish…taking out the 13 minutes of warm up and Reflection, that's 1h21m
* YHC finishes at 8:36…taking out the 13 minutes of warm up and Reflection, 1h23m
* Anvil finishes at 8:43…1h30m with 45# pack…#WOW!
* Tonka finishes at 8:46…1h33m

All kicked butt!  
* YHC is so bad at counting that Anvil made some counter beads on a counter string.  As long as we didn't talk much and I focused, they really helped.  Thanks Bro.
* Holy cow, TK is growing up!
* T-claps to all that showed up.  Lots of options last night to make excuses this morning.  
* …and Hefty is ALREADY tied for the lead for #Most2022Workouts
* 65F and humid on 1/1…that's a first…Thank God for the nice breeze!
* DrDolittle reminds us that the 1-Year Annie for TheMeatLocker is THIS WED 1/5 @ 0530.
* fwiw, The Crazies noticed that our average age was #Respect…just sayin'…
* Loved/hated Anvil's challenge.  Can't believe we did it, honestly.  Just seemed ridiculous.  
* #DoRidiculousThings.  Puts hair on your chest and stretches your perserverance.
* Have a great 2022 everyone!  Be intentional and make it great.  Don't just wade through and hope it's great.

Speaking for Anvil and Hefty, it's such an honor to lead you men –

…my brain was oxygen starved and didn't store much MC, chime in below