
Warm Up:

25 Side Straddle Hops

20 Mountain Climbers

20 Windmills

20 Storm Troopers


The Thang:

Grab a block and Indian run to the poolhouse.

11's round 1

Arm release pushups and 180 jump squats with 100 meter runs between each number

11's round 2

Burpees and situps with 100 meter runs between each number

Grab the block and Indian run back to the AO.



20 Freddy Mercurys

10 Peter Parkers

10 Reverse Crunches



As your Q and his M are expecting their first child in June I have been reading some books to help me prepare and came across a passage that sums up what being a father means pretty well and read to the PAX. Never underestimate the importance of your influence and values in your childs life.