11’s and Triple nickels

Event Date

Jan 20, 2025

put out a pb about a 0500 standard only to find no one waiting. So went out sad clown style for 3, but upon return found that Matlock had showed up late and finished early (not surprised).

Pillager was there to Q and met us announcing we would do a lot of moving to keep us warm. I was already warm after a 3 mile run, but kept my mouth shut and participated with enthusiasm.

after a few laps and some warm up we went right into a set of 11’s Merkins at bottom WW2’s at the top. We followed that with Triple nickels. 5 dips, lap, 5 squats lap for 5 rounds. 

Then we went back for some more 11’s burpees at the bottom and V-ups at top. 

Ended with a couple rounds of Mary. (mountain climbers, Freddie Mercuries, low flutter, American hammers,  hello dollies, planks

Great Q Pillager…now we just need you to do a pb and bb to complete the cycle.

