11’s at HW


14 Hollywood All Stars played 11's this morning.  Here's the deal:

Warmorama:  Warmup run around lot

Disclaimer – hit all 4 points

10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Imperial Stormtroopers IC
Pidgeon stretches
10 Merkins IC

The Thang:

Mosey to Greenway entrance.

Merkin ladder.  1 Merkin at top, run down trail to do 10 jump squats at bottom. Add 1 Merkin, subtract 1 squat each trip.

Mosey to rock pile. Grab a rock and head to parking lot

10 Full curls IC
10 Skull crushers IC
10 Bent over rows IC
10 Merkins IC

Move 2 to the left

10 Full curls IC
10 Skull crushers IC
10 Bent over rows IC
10 Chest Presses IC

Move 2 to the left, Repeato

Put rocks back and Mosey to parking lot for Mary

15 Rosalita – Deep Dish
10 Box cutters – Ramrod
10 Crucifix merkins – Snake Eyes
15 Heels to Heaven – Omega
20 Glut bridge – Atlas

Not much Mumblechatter this morning; lots of focus.    

Strong showing by Omega, who lead the PAX the whole ladder.  Well done!

Sign ups are open for the Basin Run. Need runners and volunteers.  

Limited availability for Christmas party.  Sign up quickly!

Thanks to the PAX for a great effort, and for allowing me to lead this great group of men.

Deep Dish