12-31-22 The Last Post of 2022

Event Date

Dec 31, 2022

I rolled into the parking lot at 6:58 to see a crowd had already gathered at the steps to the football stadium.  I haven’t posted on a Saturday in December so it was good to see everyone again.  We had two FNG’s in attendance.  Clark’s daughter Cammie and her friend Tucker.  Thanks for a good showing to end a great year at the Mustang!

FGN-1 Clark’s daughter Cammie

FNG-2 Tucker

FNG-3 High Country

FNG-4 Diesel

FNG-5 Pick Axe


The warm up was a routine I stole from Tesla in Belmont, NC.  He is a 62 year old, salty dog who posts regularly throughout the Gashouse region.  His regular warm up consist of 5 Side Straddle Hops IC followed by 2 Burpees.  Rinse and repeat.

Did a little Broga stretching to finish up the warm up.

Move to the stairs for some calf raises.  Two sets of 10 IC and one set where we held the “Up” position for a few seconds (10 reps).

Mosey to the tennis courts.  Line up at the end for Suicides.  Ten Big Boy Sit Ups at the start and each time we returned and 5 Diamond Merkins between each court.

Round two: 5 Penguins (each side)  at the start and each time we returned and 5 Squats between each court.

Circled up to review the 5 Principles of F3 for the FNG’s.

Mosey to the sidewalk at the center parking lot.  Line up along the sidewalk.  I put my 20# kettle bell midway up the parking lot.  Pax #1 suggests an exercise for the rest of us do while he goes to the kettle bell to does 5 curls each arm.  Rinse and repeat on down the line.

Mosey to the tables in front of the school where we split into 2 groups.  Group 1 runs a short lap around the parking lot while group 2 does 5 Step Ups each leg and 10 Incline Merkins.  Flap Jack.  Round two was a lap, 5 Step Ups each leg and 10 Derkins.  Round 3 was 5 Step Ups each leg and 10 Reverse Grip Incline Merkins.

Finished by circling up, then each PAX calling 10 reps of any exercise.


Thanks to each PAX who showed up today and thanks to all PAX who welcomed me here in July.  2022 was a year of change for my M and I, as we moved here after spending 40 years in Gastonia.  This was a great move for us as I feel it has drawn us closer to each other.  Thanks for sharing in the 2022 change with me.  Hopefully 2023 will be even greater.

