12 Bells of Christmas aka Deep Dishes shiny shoes…

11 men showed for a "spirited" 12 bells of Christmas DD style


SSH x20 IC

IST x10 IC

Cotton picker x10 IC

Windmill x10 IC

Toy soldier x10 IC

The Thang:

1 plank jack

2 8 count burners with KB

3 Power to the People with KB, each side

4 Skull crushers with KB

5 Curls with KB

6 Goblet squats

7 KB swings

8 OH press with KB

9 Mericans

10 LBC with KB

11 Mountain climbers

12 Lawnmowers (6 each side)


Only 15 seconds left, so 10 SSH in cadence



Mumblechatter was loud and clear from before the warmup, and never quite stopped.  YHC did his best to filter, but Kid Rock and Omega were in rare form.  An early comment about YHC being a wuss maybe?  I didn't get it all, but it was downhill from there…

Good to know that Oyster is not a fan of Power to the People, or maybe it was that my cadence wasn't right?  Whatever, we did them anyway.  

Apparently showing up with shiny and clean shoes was a mistake, as it brought a lot of attention my way.  I'll make sure to dirty them up for the next post just in case.

A suggestion was made for a suggestion box, but we know that the Power to the People is just an illusion.  Democracy?  Never!

The timing was right on, and I hope the PAX "enjoyed" the burpee free workout.  I certainly appreciate Omega letting me lead this morning.  Outstanding group of guys at a great AO.

Rudy was also there this morning, but hasn't signed up for the website yet.

This is the last week for donations to Operation Sweet tooth before Christmas.  Still need donations for kids from infant up to 4 years old.


Merry Christmas!

Deep Dish