12 Burpees of GAGA

Event Date

Nov 30, 2021


9 of the fastest pax in Isotope learned the 12 burpees of GAGA. Here is their story:


Hoodie, Mr. Holland, Frodo and YHC met The Standard for ~2 miles



12 x 400s on the Get Ya Some GAGA Loop

After lap 1: Burpee x 12 OYO
After lap 2: Aussie Burpee x 11 OYO
After lap 3: Broad Jump Burpee x 10 OYO
After lap 4: Incline Burpee x 9 OYO
After lap 5: Worm Burpee x 8 OYO
After lap 6: Hand Release Burpee x 7 OYO
After lap 7: One Legged Burpee x 6 OYO
After lap 8: Bropee x 5 OYO
After lap 9: 8 Count Body Builder x 4 IC
After lap 10: Man Maker Burpee x 3 OYO
After lap 11: Turkish Burpee x 2 OYO
After lap 12: Tootsie Roll Burpee x 1 OYO

Recover recover



  • Nobody lost a hammy…thats a win
  • Mr. Holland grabbed the FKT after having a run at Lego's crown…strong
  • AM-PM crushed his first trip to FKT and GAGA…Gladiator will be a breeze next week
  • It wasn't quite tank weather for Popcorn but after a couple laps it was close
  • Hoodie extended his streak of days wearing Boston gear
  • Feelings were hurt when Ducky called the Q "wide"
  • Breakfast Club rolled the neck and did mericans when he wasn't showing off his worm form
  • Tugs is sneaky fast like a ninja in the night
  • Frodo hasn't had the belt in a month…maybe thats why he took the Q back to back weeks in Dec
  • We lifted up Mr. Holland and Ducky's M's grandmother
  • Christmas Party is tomorrow night. Just come and bring a cash donation. $10, $20, $35…anything will do. The pax need YOU there. 
  • Thanks to Frodo for the opportunity to Q at FKT. Thanks to the Lake Forest Men's Ministry for the EH (email headlock in my case) and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. You men make this all worth it. Now go be the light for someone who needs you most. Until the next time…