12 Days of Christmas

Event Date

Dec 15, 2015

Warmorama: Jog, Buttkicks, High Knees, SSH x 30, TS x 15, IST x 15

The Thang:

Day 1:Run (.10 mile loop)
Day 2: 2 Squat Jumps
Day 3: 3 regular burpees
Day 4: 4 man-maker mericans
Day 5: 5 Carolina Dry Docks 
Day 6: 6 walking lunges
Day 7: 7 Squats
Day 8: 8 mason twists
Day 9: 9 Tricep extensions with weights
Day 10: 10 bicep curls with weight
Day 11: 11 side heel tap ab crunches in cadence *aka backscratchers
Day 12: 120 second plank

Go through all the exercises Day 1, then Day 1 and day 2, etc all the way up to 12 then back down for time..


Mary: Low Flutter, Twisted LBC, WWII Situps


The Moleskine: Always a great time with a great group of guys. Got a good sweat going this morning.  We got through 12 and started decending the days.  Back down to day 10 before calling quits for Mary.  Great to see Spartie back out!  Knocked has the Q on Thursday.  Looking forward to it!   Merry Christmas All!