12 Days of Christmas at Fallout

Event Date

Dec 13, 2022


12 Days of Christmas at Fallout

Once again, a great group of guys joined me for my 2Q at Fallout – I’m glad my first two Qs have had very supportive Pax, but I’m waiting for the day of incessant amounts of mumblechatter.  It will probably happen as the weather warms up in the spring, so I have time to prepare.

Seeing as how there are 12 days until Christmas, Fudd suggested doing a 12 days of Christmas workout (when is he going to Q?), so that’s what we did.



Run around the parking lot

15 Side straddle hops

12 Imperial Storm Troopers

12 Toy Soldiers

12 Long Snappers

12 Windmills


The Thang:

We did these as the song goes: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, etc. with some running in between to fill up the time as this is my 2Q and can’t figure out how to keep time yet, but I probably never will as I am not a professional.

  • burpee in a pear tree OYO
  • hand release merkins OYO like a turtle dove
  • tuck jumps (squat alternative) OYO like a French hen
  • Peter Parker Pushups OYO (calling bird)
  • Slow bicep curls – 3 seconds down and up together (gold rings)
  • Lunges OYO like geese a-laying
  • Slow skull crushers together (swans a swimming)
  • Apollo Ohno OYO (maids a milking)
  • Monkey humpers in cadence to keep the ladies dancing
  • Jumping squats OYO like a leaping lord
  • Flutter kicks in cadence (pipers piping)
  • Mountain climbers in cadence like a drumming drummer


If the Pax got it right, we would go into Mary.  If they got it wrong, we would do all 12 days again.  The first question was for Gambini because of his attention to all the happenings in Huntersville politics, which was “How many police cars will the town purchase by the end of 2023?”  Gambini was unable to answer, but that’s probably because it was a trick question and completely made up – he was really trying to figure it out though.

The real question was for the group and they had to name the actual 12 days of Christmas gifts in a row, which they did, so we went into Mary.


Fudd: WW2s

Elmers: box cutters

Gambini: leg lift hold until the rooster crowed 3 times

Bob Ross: Russian twists (I don’t know the F3 name for these)

Hasselhoff: plank to side planks


It was a chilly morning to start, but the workout seemed to keep everyone warm throughout.  Prayers for all of those who have lost love ones recently and in the past, those who are without families and friends through this season, and for continued health and recovery for all the F3 Pax and their families.

– Drebin