As Croc gets set up on F3 Isotope's new site, YHC will fill in today for the #BB.  With a Croc-led Q, and no Warmorama, we dove right into the 12 Days of Festivus "for the rest of us." (i.e., Seinfeld).  After a total of 850 reps for the below workout, it was a full body beatdown.  

The Thang (all exercise done OYO).  This workout was done like the song: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, 5-4-3-2-1, etc.  I didn't do the math, but Croc claims 850+ reps and some running.

  1. 20 SSH
  2. 10 Squats
  3. 10 WW1 Situps
  4. 10 Overhead Press with Rock
  5. 10 Plank Jacks
  6. 10 Goblet Squats
  7. 200 Meter Run
  8. 10 Skull Crushers
  9. 10 Burpees
  10. 10 Merkins
  11. 10 Mountain Climbers
  12. 10 Freddie Mercuries

Mary – out of time…oh wait, maybe not…just ended early.


  • This workout was proof, The Mighty Oak is not a "running workout" like some have been led to believe.  
  • "….hey guys, someone's car alarm is going off…."  
  • After we got to the 4th exercise and the fact that someone's car was beeping, I made a Master-Q executive decision, we needed music first and foremost and I checked the car!  I had the box in the car to let Pierogi use for a workout on Saturday, so my 200 meter sprint was more like 800 meters to my car.  
  • Come to find out, none of our cars were alarming, but rather the Janitor showed up at 0545 to clean the school and my car was blocking the gate.  Needless to say, she was NOT happy.  Note to future Q's when the gates are locked during the holidays, don't block the gates.  In the end, I got the music suitcase to break up some of the silence during the 12 days workout.
  • Playlist: Simple Man (Shinedown version), Rich Girl (for Ty Webb), Tom Sawyer (for Tommy Boy), All Along The Watchtower (for everyone – and I think Caboose was a fan), Jump Around – a Wisconsin Badger fan favorite of course!
  • Ty Webb and Overbudget led the Pax today and finished first.  Great job guys.  I did see Ty Webb pick up the pace a bit when Hall and Oates came on.
  • Despite a bum Achilles, Gray Ghost was still grinding away and could still out run me!
  • DonHo fresh off of IR was looking strong, and has the Q at The Mighty Oak next week Wednesday.  
  • New workout (The Vanquisher) at this AO starting 1/11/15.  Follow Blackberry for more information.  
  • Limburger realized another one of his neighbors, Elmers, is an F3er too.  Small world.
  • Travolta had us all laughing first thing before workout letting us know he would have been to the workout sooner but as he was walking out, the Elf On The Shelf was staring right at him…and he forgot to move him the night before! #beentheredonethat
  • Caboose may be considering moving to becoming a Packer fan before it's all said and done.
  • Recover recover was called by Croc at 6:08, we carried the rocks back, and got back to COT around 6:12.  Croc got a little grief by DonHo for ending early, claiming his workout next week won't end early.

While we didn't have the 39 Pax that the MadScientist did today (#bignumbers) I'd be willing to bet we did more reps to make up for the shortage of Pax.  However, 20 was a perfect size!

Have a great Holiday / Christmas and be safe in all of your travels!

Ditka (on behalf of Croc – Da Q today)