12 Disciples at Samson

Sub freezing temperatures do not deter these mighty men. In fact 12 showed for day #4 of #preacherweek 

After some "it's cold" conversations, YHC led the PAX in a warm up slow mosey through the parking lot to the pull up bars. The verse of the day was introduced. James 1:19 You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

Quick to listen. Slow to speak. Slow to get angry.


Wind Mills x 19

Cotton Pickers x 20

SSH x 20

Some other wierd stretches, ending with arm circles


3 minutes of pull ups AMRAP

3 minutes of Partner sit ups (3 min per person) AMRAP

Island of Merkins: The PAX would run from parking lot island to island, only pausing long enough to do 10 merkins in cadence at each island (total 60 merkins)

Mosey back up to pull up bars where we commenced Arm Wrestling (single elimination) tournament.

Then… Partner 1 (run to the end of the parking lot) while Partner 2 does Squat Jumps (AMRAP). Flip Flop, then Dying Cockroaches (AMRAP)

Then… YHC brought out the football for some punts, sprints, lunges, crab walks and more.

We finished with MARY and COT


James 1:19

It was an honor to lead such mighty men. I appreciated Estee Lauder showing early to run the standard with me. I've been fighting a cold and did not have the usual energy, so pur pace was slower. I appreciate his patience. Good to meet you Estee Lauder. 

I am inviting any and all of the PAX and their family to join me at our church's Candle Light service at 5:00pm on Christmas Eve. We meet at Blythe Elementary (12202 Hambright Rd). We are a small church, filled with young families, a big dream and lots of energy. I reluctantly stepped in to being a pastor. My reluctance was connected to a lack of confidence and experience, as well as the fact that I generally thought preachers were typically wierd and nerdy. Those of you who've come to know me would say that I'm not your typical pastor.

Jimmy O invited me to F3 over 2 years ago. In that time, you have strengthened and shaped me. Above all the events and posts I've experienced; I appreciate most, the friendships I've gained. I've been able to baptize a few of the PAX (big highlight for me). I've offered marriage counseling to some of the PAX who needed it. I've prayed with many of you.

#preacherweek is not about me. It was my way of pointing all of us to trust King Jesus in every area of our lives, while working out together. Thank you for participating.    

My invitation to www.radiantlifefellowship.org is not because I think you need what our church (Radiant Life) offers, but that I need and appreciate what you have to offer to the Kingdom of God in our community. I need you to help make us better. Imagine what it would be like, if several of you took a leap of faith and joined the mission of Radiant Life to invite isolated people to join God's family? That's my invitation. Plus I think you guys are awesome and I have a tremendous amount of RESPECT for each of you.
