12 Men, 8 Corners, 2 Times, Not Confusing

12 Young souls took 8 sharp corners this perfect, cool morning.  If you didn’t post somewhere, you missed a great chance to start this day. Here is the skinny skinny:

Mosey to Rock Lot for warm-o-Rama.


Slow Squat

Dwight Schrute (sp)

SSH X 100

Down Dog

Man-maker ‘Merican

Mosey to Barre 

Instructions for 8 corners:

Corner 1: 8 burpees, 8 jump squats, 8 ‘Mericans, 8 WWIIs, 

Corner 2: 7 burpees, 7 jump squats, 7 ‘Mericans, 7 WWIIs,

Corner 3: 6 ibid,6 ibid, 6 ibid, 6 ibid

Corner 4: 5 ibid, 5 ibid, 5 ibid, 5 ibid

Corner 5 (same location as corner 1): 4 burpees, 4 jump squats, 4 ‘Mericans, 4 WWIIs

Corner 6: 3 ibid, 3 ibid, 3 ibid, 3 ibid

Corner 7: 2 ibid, 2 ibid, 2ibid, 2ibid

Corner 8: 1 ibid, 1 ibid, 1ibid, 1 ibid

See?  Was that confusing?  Wait, don’t tell me you don’t know what “ibid” means.  That’s BS.  Do you know what THAT means?  “Ibid” was just for BB purposes, dummy! I don’t type well.

Repeato with the following exercises substituted:

squats, scorpion dry docks, shoulder-touch ‘Mericans (touching EACH should is a 1 count), LBCs

Mosey back to COT

Hand release ‘Mericans

Little baby extensions

Big baby crunches

Very, very slow ‘Mericans


Recover x 2


1. The Force had a tough morning.  The exercise instructions befuddled him.  Then, to top it off, his house keeper has Corona.  True.  But seriously, prayers up for Rose’s speedy recovery, Bro,  (I cannot help you with the confusion, though.)

2. 2 weeks straight for Hollywood for BEP?  Nice!  Keep coming; great to see you in the gloom again.

3. Speaking of a hot streak, check out Kingfish and S’mores!  You guys were gone for so long.  KF does seem to chatter a bit less than before.  I approve.

4. Uncle Rico led the Pax on both circuits today.  He’s a bit of an overachiever.

5. Holiday was called out for having a little baby extension?  No further comments.

6. Yosemite dropped Omega off at stretch and came to a real workout.  Well played.

7. Little Professor continues to defy his age and gets up day after day.  Dedication!

8. I think Stapler is going for most posts in a year.  He’s got to be top 5.  Nice work, sir.

9. Slingshot- nice effort this morning and thanks for the follow.  Right back at ya.

10. Deep Dish: stalwart.  Need I say more?

Aye- thanks for posting boys.  I’m guessing we need Qs looking forward.  Sign up!