12 Pax May Be Having Trouble Using Their Arms Today

FNG 1 = McBeal

After a disclaimer that Spaekle, the co-Q would not be there and all Pax were stuck with me, we did a good warm up on the Green and headed to DUMC to grab a paver & 2 bricks.

Curls – 20x IC, 15x IC, 10x IC, Merchans 10x IC, LBC 15x IC

Run a lap around parking lot.

OH Press – 20x IC, 15x IC, 10x IC, Carolina Dry Dock 10x IC, LBC 15x IC

Run a lap around parking lot.

Skull Crushers – 20x IC, 15x IC, 10x IC, Merchans 10x IC, LBC 15x IC.  Questions started emerging about why we got the bricks.

Run a lap out onto Walnut Street and back into and through parking lot.

Bentover Row – 20x IC, 15x IC, 10x IC, CDD 10x IC, LBC 15x IC

Run a lap out onto Walnut Street and back into and through parking lot.

Curls, OH Press, Skull Crushers & Bentover Row – All 10x IC.  Run a lap around parking lot, but stop at the church steps for 3x sets of calf raises (all 10x IC) before continuing around parking lot. 

Finally, grab the bricks & do 10x IC Jimmy Smashers (thanks Cheesy Puffs!).  Then do 10x IC Man Maker/T Merchans.

Put 'em up and head back to Green for Dips, Mary and COT.

Everyone did a great job with the repetitive monotony of today's beat down.  At least we have one day for our arms to recover before needing to raise those drinks for Friday happy hour!