12 Pax Ran The Revolt East Loop Today!

FNG 1 = Wham-O

The 2nd Wedensday of the Month (WotM) meant The Revolt ran the East Loop.  Thankfully cooler temperatures and noticeably absent humidity greated the 12 Pax who came out for today's mid-week run.  

Starting at the big Hemlock on the Davidson Green, we headed out Concord Rd through the traffic circle and took a right on Robert Walker, down to a right onto the Greenway, out & up Kimberly and then a Left on Concord to finish back at the big Hemlock on the Green.

It was a relatively quiet first mile, then the 2nd F picked up for the 2nd – 4th miles, only to have the 5th mile relatively quiet again.  All Pax present did a great job with the run and with getting up & out to put in some miles!