Pax of 25 showed up to the best AO in all of F3 Isotope, or F3 LKN, or F3 Laketope. I really cannot remember what we call ourselves after all these years. Is Rick Bonen-Clark still our Nantaan?

With the help of his #Weinke YHC constructed a solid beatdown for the Pax.

Here is the Thang:

Mosey around parking lanes with some backward yogging (or is it a soft J?), side shuffle, and then mosey over to the Dutchman’s Parking Lot for COP

  • SSH IC x 12 (there will be a theme)
  • IST IC x 12
  • Low Slow Squat x 12 (3 counts down 1 count up)
  • Toy Soldier IC x 12
  • Mericans IC x 12

Mosey to the 4 Corners around the Gazebo.

  • Carolina Dry Docks IC x 12 – Mosey to corner 2
  • LBC IC x 12 – backpedal to corner 3
  • Mtn Climbers IC x 12 – side shuffle with a flip almost 1/2 way to corner 4
  • Mericans IC x 12 – lung walk-ish to corner 1
  • Repeato it all with reps of 10, 8, 6, 4, 2

Mosey to Brick Wall Area

  • Dips IC x 12
  • 12 step-ups (6 per leg)

Mosey to Parking Lot for MARY

  • Low Flutter IC x 12
  • Cross-Crunch IC x 6 (each side)
  • Rosa Lita IC x 12

COT with extra time left to walk back to cars, etc. 


  • Sets of 12 for 12 years.
  • 4 corners in honor of UNC coaching legend Anson Dorrance who retired this week. Anson is credited with making the USA the dominant women’s soccer program it is now. He won 20+ NCAA championships over 40+  years. He credited the great Dean Smith for his success and tenure. 
  • Thank you, Loop aka Josh Martin for EH-ing me 12 years ago. F3 is simply the best thing for men of a certain age. Ironically, I need it now in my mid-40s than I ever did before. Funny how that works out.
  • Lots of mumblechatter today. After 12 years you would think YHC would have learned to shut up and go with it, but who are we kidding here? Have you not been to any of the F3 Roasts? 
  • Speaking of Roast, The Roast of Jolly Roger is coming up this Winter. Dallas has all the details.
  • Because of F3 I have completed a marathon, a few 1/2 marathons, a half Ironman, numerous relay races, a GoRuck Heavy and Tough, all 3 Spartan Races, started a podcast, have made the best friends of my life, and most certainly become a better husband, father, and person.
  • While none of us are perfect, it’s nice to be around a group of men who continue to challenge me, hold me accountable, and improve me. For that, I thank you all. 
  • Until next time, keep it on Fleek.