12 yr old Soccer Bullies

Event Date

Jan 25, 2020


7 PAX met in the gloom to get a little football in before being bullied out by 12 year old soccer hooligans. Was a great time, YHC skipped the boot camp start I had planned because we didn’t know how much time we had before getting kicked off the field, turned out not to be a bad thing as we were all pretty gassed by the game alone. It was a close battle, Mr Burns, Hall monitor, and buckeye played a man down but with some crisp passing and sheer effort kept it neck and neck the whole way and even took the lead a couple times. The good guys ultimately won by an hour margin, but everyone earned their participation trophies.We started with normal ultimate football rules, towards the end we instated the rule that if the ball hits the ground it’s a live ball not just to turnover, which was a lot of fun and brought some welcome chaos to the mix.