12 + 1 for Fartlek

Event Date

Jan 30, 2024


Twelve of @f3Isotope ‘s finest laced up the running shoes before 0-dark-thirty and hit the Wynfield Creek Parkway and Torrence Creek Greenway for 3 to 5 miles, Pax choice.  Except Ultraman and Diehard, who pushed extra distance and extra pace today….something about Boston Qualifying training.  Shout out to Mona Lisa for also pushing the pace for the first two miles, even without an event on the horizon.  Henry, the four-legged friend, was setting the pace for Enron, as usual.  Great work by all men today….and by the dog.  

FNG is Push-pop, not in the directory.

Announcements for the Christina Latini 8K, the Polar Bear and the Father-Son event (check with R2D2, if interested).

Thanks Enron for the opportunity to lead this fine group of men.


