13 answered the call for reveille at 05:30 at The General

FNG 1: Kingpin

FNG 2: Jackhammer

FNG 3: Pushpop

Thirteen got out of the sac this morning at the sound of the bugle, no cowards in this group.


  • Quick lap around parking lot
  • Circle Up for SSH, IST, POW Squats, Long Snapper, Groin stretch L/R, Cossack Squats, Mountain Climber-Merican-Parker Peter-Merican Combo, High Plank with 3 points of stability, Catcher Pose with L/R twist, Lateral Butt Kicks…….I know its a long warm-up but I need it at my age!

The Thang:

  • Mosey to rock pile on Westmoreland, Zamperini to corner of Westmoreland and Eagle Ridge Way.
  • Rock work: Curl to overhead press, Forward raise, Left rotation/Right rotation, Chest press, leave your rock and run to bottom of Eagle Ridge Way.
  • FW alternating lunge, CDD, Backwards alternating lunge, LBC’s , W’s
  • Double time back to your beloved rock
  • Rock work: Standing Chest Press, Overhead press, Skull Crushers, Goblett squats, leave your beloved rock and run to bottom of Eagle Ridge Way.
  • Mericans, High Planks with 3 points of stability, Pretzel crunch
  • Double time back to your beloved rock
  • Bent over rows, curls x 2, leave rock for the last time, bottom of Eagle Ridge Way
  • Curtsy lunge, mericans, high plank, lumbar rotation stretch
  • Double time back to rock and Zamperini it back to the pile, mosey back to launch pad
  • High Planks, Freddy Mercury, 1 Burpee!
  • Recover/Recover

Great morning, great group of F3ers who pushed it hard. Kingpin is an inspiration every time he comes out with his Dad, Jackhammer, can’t imagine doing this at 15 years old. 

Memorial Day Murph, I’m sure everyone is ready to go.


Thanked the Lord for the many blessing he has bestowed on us and asked that we NEVER take them for granted. Asked the Lord to help all of us to be a shining light in the dark places of this world. Prayed for the unborn and elders, those who do not have a voice to be heard.

“Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with goodness.” St.P

