13 Kept the Show Going

13 gents saw to it that any striking actors in #Hollywood were replaced by some scabs of F3 Isotope, and so the show went on.

After a long jog-o-rama to find Gnarly Goat, we warmed up in the theatre lot.  There were zero SSH performed.  Zero.

Once warmed, we each grabbed a stunt double for round one of the thang: People’s Chair at the low wall at the top of the parking ramp while the partner ran to the stairs, down to the base, 7 ‘Mercians and sprinted back up to relieve his partner, who then did the same.  And we counted down 6,6,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1,1.

After a 10-second run-off we ventured to the low wall at the old fountain location for 10 incline ‘Mericans, 10 each leg step-ups and 15 alternating LBCs.

Next, down to the light at the bottom of the greenway hill where we went solo: Run to the base of the hill, go backward to the top, 7 burpees, forward down to the light, 10 WWIIs…6 & 10, 5 & 10, 4 & 10, 3 &10, 2 & 10, 1 & 10.

We hoofed it back to COT, just 2 minutes late and no one cared because they SO enjoyed the workout!  In fact, glee was to be found found on every smiling face!

FNG-1 is Jellystone, visiting from Chicago.  He represented well and was just so happy to feel safe outside for once.  Too bad Deep Dish didn’t post- they would have gotten along talking about the old days in Chi-town.

Great effort on this one, guys!  It was pretty non-stop and we clocked 2.88 miles.  Hippie, as per usual, showed us all what it looks like to lead from the front.  We chased him all morning.

Greyhound continues to modify the workout to fit his own agenda.  He’s a bit of a non-conformist, if you hadn’t noticed.

Mayhem is back, for real this time.  Keep up the posts, bro!

News flash: Airstream, one day after committing to running the Huntersville Half, has already started crawfishing on that one.  Stay tuned to see how this one devolves..       

See you boys again soon.