13 on the 13th for a Fartlek at Fartlek


So yesterday morning Turnpike starts the day with a text (in one of the hundred or so text groups going around since Slack use has seemed to taper off) asking who all was in for Fartlek.  My response was “Perhaps” to which I received a “HA HA” reaction.  I proceeded to think I was funny and completely forgot about it.  Well let’s step back in time a little bit to a week ago when Jolly Roger, who was on the Q calendar for Fartlek this morning, asked if I could swap my Fartlek Q in October with his on today.  I said sure and promptly forgot about it.  Well fast forward to last night around 9PM when I was deciding where to go and, oh crap, time for a preblast!  So yhc had 8.5 hours to sleep and come up with a plan – sleep took precedence.

0450 this morning – wake up, go through morning rituals prepost (I love that pun), come up with a plan in about 5 minutes, and head to the AO hoping not to disappoint the Fartlek pax.


0530 – explain our workout – the Mona Fartlek (found online of course): 10ish minute warm up, 90 seconds on and 90 seconds off (on is 7 to 9 of 10 and off is 3 to 5 of 10, with 10 being max effort) 2 times, then 60/60 X4, 30/30 X4, 15/15 X4, and then 10ish minute cool down and arrive back at the start.  Route was out the side of Wilderness AO, then right, left, right, left, right left, hit traffic circles back and forth (which so happens to be a nice hill), then return to the start either using the 1 mile route straight back or 1.2 mile route through MacAuley.  I believe we ended up with between 4 and 5 miles depending on the effort put in.

0516ish we were done.

Not a lot of chatter on this one, at least not that I heard since as the Q I put in a good effort and ended up solo for most of the run.  Comment if I missed anything.


Reminder that Operation Sweet Tooth is this Saturday (https://f3lakenorman.com/announcement/4th-annual-christina-latini-memorial-8k-2-mile-walk).

Ludicrous Speed (which is a speed workout for the slow guys; come on out if this is you and I almost promist you’ll get faster!) tomorrow at RBP led by BEP



First backblast in a LOOOOONG time.  This feels weird.