13 Pax for Today’s Halloween Inspired The Revolt Spooky Forest Route!

The 4ht WotM (Wednesday of the Month) meant The Revolt was running a S2K route.  Considering we've already done most of the S2K routes 2x this year, and we're only 4 days away from Halloween, it was the perfect opportunity for a NEW ROUTE inspired by the holiday.

The mystery of the new route drew Pax out to the gloom only to learn we would be running through a dark & spooky forest.

Starting at the Green, we headed out Concord and went Left on Baker Dr to get onto the Davidson College Cross Country trails around tennis court parking lot but not before we say some goblins (deer) running aross the grass.  Once on the trail, we circled the Witch's Cauldron (retaining pond) once to muster up the courage to head into the spooky woods.  

Following the 5k trail, we made it through the dark and creepy woods, with several instances of eyes in the woods reflecting our headlamp light back at us & an abundance of general sounds of rustling coming from the woods.  We all decided to do a mid-point check up to ensure we were all still there & no one had met the fate of so many in bad horror movies.  

Continuing on, we made it the rest of the way through the woods, only to be confronted by the monstrous hill up to Ridge Rd, but at least this helped us quickly forget the spooky woods we had just made it through.  

Once on Ridge, we headed back out to Main St., going left to head back towards the Green, but turning on Delburg and continuing on Jackson past the Fire Station, where Pax could either stop and seek help for being too scared, check and see if they were handing out candy, or just keep running past it to ultimately finish back at the Green.

Despite momentary thoughts that LD and then PAB had succumbed to ghosts & goblins along the way, all Pax turned back up at the finish and we had a total of 13 Pax present.  That number couldn't have been any more perfectly in keeping with the theme of the route! 

Every man present did great with the run & I appreciate their willingness to have a little fun with a new route this morning.  That was actually the first new route for The Revolt in 2020 and the first time The Revolt has ever run on the Cross Country Trails.  In addition to being Halloween inspired, it was also 2020 inspired from the standpoint that we've all experienced throughout this year…never know what's going to happen next – just as the Pax didn't know what the route was going to be & we didn't know what was going to be around each turn of the trail as we were making our way through the spooky forest.  

It's always a pleasure seeing & running with these High Impact Men each Wednesday & I truly appreciate the motivation, accountability and friendship of each and every Pax! 

Happy Halloween Everyone! 
