The 4th Wednesday of the Month (WotM) meant it was a Show 2 Know Route and the 13 Pax present were treated to a Tablespoon of Teeters run.
This route was last run at the end of 2019, when I believe the HT Gas Station was still under construction and there was just one official Harris Teeter present. Now there are the two Teeters and since the route resembles a Tablespoon, and takes you around them 3x on Davidson Gateway, we scooped those Teets right out of there!
It was a great motivator to see these men out there this morning, as we had the biggest turnout since taking a break in March. It's always great to see every who comes out and today it was especially great to see those who havent posted to The Revolt in a while like Easy and Gisele.
Keep up the great work & keep encouraging those who haven't posted in a while to get back out there!